3,015 o negeseuon wedi eu hanfon at ASau

226 o resymau pam fod Brexit yn niweidiol i Gymru

Dim celwyddau na chodi bwganod. Dyma'r gwir effaith y bydd Brexit caled yn ei gael ar ein gwlad a gweddill y DU.

Nodi'ch rheswmchatCreated with Sketch.
Dywedwch wrth eich AS #NidEinBrexit298A9E67-0166-4131-9A9D-641F8C580E63Created with sketchtool.
Rheswm #66

Mae'r UE yn helpu i frwydro yn erbyn twyll, cyffuriau a therfysgaeth

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Rheswm #180

I made the UK my home over 30 yrs ago (from NL). Let’s mobilise the 48% who opted to stay to keep this fantastic country inclusive and outward-looking!

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Rheswm #112

Wales will lose political, linguistic, academic, cultural, scientific and educational links with European institutions if we leave the EU.

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Rheswm #36

Mae Brexit yn gwneud y DU, unwaith eto, yn 'ddyn sâl Ewrop’

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Rheswm #204

I voted remain. We are a stronger country if we are part of Europe.

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Rheswm #149

We'd be shutting ourselves off from our historic, cultural, economical, geographical neighbours. It's narrow minded and bigoted.

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Rheswm #74

Heb Warant Arestio Ewropeaidd, gallai'r DU fod yn gyfrifol am droseddwyr tramor am fwy o amser

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Rheswm #199

It will affect future investments into Wales and the rest of the UK we need jobs for the future of our children.

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Rheswm #153

We are a small country that should be cooperating with our neighbours not turning our backs on them.

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Rheswm #90

Mae gadael Ewrop yn rhoi hawliau plant y DU mewn perygl

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Rheswm #125

No more EU funding for all the wonderful projects in Wales

04C304EB-8376-419B-86FA-C72BBBD495C1Created with sketchtool.